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Selected Short Messages

This is a selection of messages from Archangel Michael and from the Pleiadians from the youtube list above, each focused on on a particular subject.

Click here for background information on the Pleiades.

Archangel Michael - Acknowledge the Positive

A message about registering and acknowledging positive progress.

Archangel Michael - Self Love (new)

A message from AA Michael about putting your heart first

Pleiadian Channeling - Receiving Messages (new)

How to attune to the true messages that you are receiving, and to discard ones that are not of the light

Gestures of Love (Archangel Michael)

Archangel Michael - An equinox 2016 message channeled by Michiel Kroon, a timeless message of 3 minutes :-)

Natural Protection (Archangel Michael)

Archangel Michael channeled by Michiel Kroon - 5mins

Pleiadians - A New Internet

The Pleiadians explain how our current internet has become corrupted, and what a new internet would look like. It would be based on social networking in an open source environment. (10 mins)

Pleiadian Channeling for Humanity

A Channeled message from the Pleiadians, recorded februari 24th, 2016. They mention starbeings being born in Syria. - - world leaders being influenced and controlled -- Personal Processes -- True Identity (13 mins)

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Free messages on YouTube

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Light Language meditation (English/Spanish Guidance)

Light Language meditation (English/Spanish Guidance)

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Heart Connected, the Way Forward

Heart Connected, the Way Forward

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